News & Announcements

MEET THE TEAM — Sharon Holstein

August 21, 2018

AUGUST 2018 – East Coast Metal Systems (ECMS) Office Manager Sharon Holstein was chosen as this month’s featured employee.

Sharon has been working for ECMS for 12 years and likes to say “we chose each other.” Prior to ECMS, she worked for a business that was located in the building of the previous ECMS office in Bellaire, Ohio. John Kalkreuth kindly offered Sharon a position with ECMS when they took over the building, and she gladly accepted. “As the saying goes, I came with the building in Bellaire,” said Sharon.

On a day to day basis, Sharon helps immensely around the office for many different departments. Some of her main roles are to support project managers during submittals and throughout the project duration including logistics, billing, and collections. Throughout the years Sharon has been part of the ECMS team, she said she loves being able to use her knowledge to help manage projects to achieve a successful outcome. “Be a sponge,” said Sharon. “Soak up all the information and advice that people are willing
to share with you.”

When asked her favorite part about working for ECMS, Sharon responded, “I appreciate the concept that we are all a team, and each person has their own unique insight that can be brought to the table. Our leadership has proven that they have faith in our abilities and have provided us with a state-of-the-art facility and financial backing to allow this to happen.”

“Sharon is someone whose work ethic, reliability, and dedication are what others strive to achieve. She’s a mentor for the ECMS team and someone we all count on daily, with confidence that she will provide whatever support is needed to get the job done every time. I truly appreciate Sharon and her thoughtful contributions to what we do, and it’s a privilege to work with her,” said ECMS VP John Trifonoff.

Pictured from left to right is ECMS Sheet Metal Shop Administrator Christy Thomas, Lucy McCabe, Administrative Assistant Karen Porter, and Office Manager Sharon Holstein.

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